Network Security and Virus Protection in Digital Libraries


Network security is an important part of keeping homes, businesses, institutions, and organizations computer safe from invasion by unauthorized users. As more and more people become “connected” increasing number of people need to understand basic security in a networked world. Creating a security for network not only keep unauthorized users at bay but also protects network from data theft. This paper gave overview discussions on digitalization in libraries, computer networking in libraries, the services and impacts of networking in libraries. Network security and its benefit in libraries, the challenges of network security in libraries were also discussed. This paper also discussed the security risk and counter measures associated with internet connectivity. Some common network security threats in digital libraries were identified and measures for proper network security were also discussed. Recommendations such as consulting system support personnel for adequate maintenance of network security, installing antivirus protection software, use of firewall, turning off computers or disconnect from network when not in use, make regular backup optical data for disaster recovery, installing front ended and back ended security, scanning computer system always to detect, freeze and flush out viruses among others were recommended for adequate network security and virus protection in digital libraries.