Staff Development Practices among Librarians in Public University Libraries in Ogun State


Professional librarians
Public university


The study investigated staff development practices (SD) among librarians. The purpose of the study was to find out involvement of librarians in of staff development practices among librarians. Total enumeration was used to arrive at the sample size used for the study. Survey method was used while questionnaire was use to collect data from 42 librarians from three public university libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria. Data was analysed using frequency, mean and standard deviation. Findings indicated SD practices are available in the libraries studied. The study found additional higher degree, seminar and conferences and in house seminars as the most frequently patronised staff development practices among librarians. In addition, majority of librarians do not enjoy institutional support for staff development practices. Further findings showed that SD practices led to enhancement of capacity, increase skills, abilities, and competencies while broadening their knowledge base. Challenges affecting SD practices among librarians were lack of institutional support, reduction in financial power for self-sustenance as well as resistance to change among others. The study therefore recommends that both the university and the library manager should ensure that staff are given institutional support in terms sponsorship so that they can benefit from SD practices existing in their library.  Necessary policies should be put in place to ensure to ensure equity in opportunities available to staff. Library management and the concerned authorities should allow librarians to TETFund fund to attend seminar and conferences so as to be conversant with development in their field.