Awareness and Utilisation of Reference Materials and Services Among Undergraduates in Public Universities in South-West, Nigeria


Reference materials
Reference services
Academic libraries


A functional reference section with relevant information resources provision remains an asset to the library and its parent institution. Inspite of numerous benefits associated with reference materials and services, many academic libraries in South-west Nigeria still lack functional reference sections. Even in universities with good reference section and services, majority of the undergraduates are not aware of the existence of such units and services while very many cannot fully exploit the reference sources to fulfil their information needs.  This study thus examined the level of awareness and utilisation of reference materials and services among undergraduates in four public universities in South-west, Nigeria. The descriptive research design of ex-post-factor type was used. A sample of 400 out of 20,698 registered undergraduate library users in the selected universities constituted the respondents for the study. A validated questionnaire with Cronbach-Alpha 0.89 was used for data collection. Out of 400 copies of questionnaire administered, only 284 copies were found usable, which gave 71.0% rate of return. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that dictionaries, bibliographies, handbook, and encyclopaedia were the most available reference materials. Studies also revealed high level of awareness and utilisation of reference materials and services among the undergraduates. More so, it was discovered that lack of access to internet facility within the library, obsolete reference materials among others were factors hindering the utilization of reference materials and services.  Findings further indicated that awareness of reference materials and services relatively and significantly influence utilization of reference materials and services among undergraduates. It is therefore recommended amongst others that universities library should concentrate more on purchase of reference materials such as index, abstract, handbook, encyclopaedia, dictionaries and lay more emphasis on services like Library instructions and literature search. University libraries should also make provision for 24- hour Internet facilities free for undergraduates amongst others.