Perceived effects of icts on cataloguing and classification of information resources in Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture Library, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria


Information resources


Library automation is no longer new in librarianship. This is because almost the entire operations of the library are experiencing the introduction of ICTs. As to whether there is an effect of this adoption of ICTs in the cataloguing and classification of information resources, is a matter of great concern. This is why the present study investigated the perceived effect of ICTs on the cataloguing and classification of information resources in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Library, Umudike. Three (3) objectives guided the study. The descriptive survey design with a study sample of 5 respondents representing the entire staff strength of the Cataloguing and Classification Unit was chosen using the complete census sampling technique was used. Data was collected using a combination of an observation checklist and a 23-item questionnaire titled “Effect of ICTs on Cataloguing and Classification of Information Resources” Questionnaire. The analysis and presentation of data were done using frequency counts and mean scores with appropriate tables. The findings show that computers, online databases, and Internet servers are among the ICTs adopted. The perceived effects are seen in the areas of making cataloguing and classification easy and reducing errors in cataloguing and classification, among others. It was further revealed that poor funding of library technical operations, inadequate ICT facilities, inadequate number of ICT-competent cataloguers, etc. were among the factors militating against the adoption of ICTs in the library operation. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that libraries should develop means of generating additional funds to finance most of their projects and services.