Challenges in using assistive technologies for information access by the special needs students


Assistive technologies
Information access
Special needs


This paper provides a review on challenges to the use of assistive technologies (ATs) for information access by the students with special needs. The study in the introduction part highlight the befitting types of information access ATs especially for the students with visual, hearing and mobility impairments. The precursors to the use of ATs for information access by the students with special needs were also highlighted. The study examine that for almost a decade, that is, from the year 2022 back to 2011 the use of ATs for information access by the students with special needs have been confronting with challenges of unavailability and inaccessibility of adequate ATs, the lack of technology operational knowledge and skills, anxiety and users reluctance to technological training, among others, which are attributed to the government and school authorities lack of commitments towards their technical and administrative responsibilities of providing ATs, AT policy and assistive technology studies curriculum for learning and acquiring the technological use competencies. The study concludes that use of ATs for information access by the students with special needs have not been given the consideration it deserves. The study therefore recommends that those who are shouldered the responsibility should provide the special needs students with appropriate and functional information access ATs, AT use policy, curriculum on AT studies, Minimum Standard or Guideline on teaching and training on the AT operational knowledge and skills, dedicated subject with appropriate lesson period allocation for daily teaching the students the ATs operational knowledge and skills, AT specialist for teaching special needs students the technology operation knowledge (TOK) and technology operation skills (TOS), librarians with proficiency in assistive technology knowledge and skills, among others.