This study analyses the integrated information behavior framework for maize farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of 384 maize farmers in Kaduna State. The study proceeds in four steps. First, it identified the information needs of the maize farmers and found that majority of them seeks information on seeds varieties, weed control, market information and harvesting techniques. Secondly, it identified the sources of information use by maize farmers and found that majority of them get information through radio and television. Thirdly, it examined the information seeking pattern of maize farmers and found that majority of them get information through mass media and digital platforms. Finally, it identified the challenges encountered while seeking information on maize farming and found that unavailability of established functional library as a greater challenge associated with the information behavior of the maize farmers. The study, therefore, recommended that government should provide e-libraries or information centers so that the farmers can keep themselves updated on general agricultural knowledge instead of just focusing on maize farming to attain food sufficiency.
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