Competitive Intelligence Approach in Achieving Quality Library Service Delivery in Selected Academic Libraries in Ogun State


Competitive intelligence, Quality Service delivery, Academic libraries


The study investigated importance of competitive intelligence approach in achieving quality library service delivery. The survey research design was employed for the study. The study population consisted of 71 library personnel from two university libraries (Babcock and Tai Solarin Universities). Total enumeration sampling technique was applied as all members of the population were used for the study. Self-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The study found that Babcock and Tai Solarin Universities libraries use competitive intelligence approach in their service delivery. However, these libraries may not necessarily be using new technological methods in their service delivery due to lack of funds, lack of ICT equipment, etc. Based on the findings, recommendations were made thus, that adequate provision of funds should be made available to libraries in order to purchase computers and other modern ICT equipment that will aid in effective quality service delivery and also help to gain competitive advantage over other libraries around. Libraries should also create prompt awareness and guidelines of various services they offer; the awareness of what is available could lead to its demand and use.