Perception of Library Resources Accessibility as Correlates of Library Patronage by Undergraduates in University Of Ibadan, Nigeria


Library resources
Library patronage


The goal of any library is to enable users have access to the available resources and maximise usage. The provision of effective and efficient library resources is connected to high level of library patronage.

The main objective of the study is to examine perception of information resources accessibility and library patronage by undergraduates in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study employed the descriptive survey design. Three faculties with the highest number of study population were selected to represent the study population. A sampling fraction of 5% was used to select sample size from the selected faculties, and the total sample size of 213 was used for the study. Data collected was descriptively analysed with the aid of Statistical Software for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 and results were presented in frequency table and percentage counts.

The study’s findings revealed that the information resources that were readily available to the respondents include: textbooks, Abstracts/indexes, encyclopedias/dictionaries, maps among others. The respondents indicated that these resources were frequently used and that access to these resources enhanced their studies. Findings further revealed that inadequate funding, unavailability of resources, lack of provision of online information service and lack of access to information materials were the major factors militating against the use of library resources.

The perception of library users as regards how accessible information resources are is critical to the use of the library for different purposes. It is therefore important for library management to do all within their power to ensure that information resources are not only acquired, but they are made readily available and accessible, so that the effectiveness of the library could be made manifest to all users.