Cloud hosting of KOHA and DSPACE for effective and efficient library services in Nigerian academic libraries


Cloud hosting
Institutional repository
Library services


Cloud computing provides a library with cost-effective and dependable technological
facilities and computing machines to support the library in carrying out its function of
information dissemination and preservation. This transformation has had a favourable
impact on many aspects of library operations and services. The automation of library
operations and services, as well as the digitalization of information resources, are key parts
of library operations and services. Nigerian libraries are investing heavily in order to meet
the information demands of the twenty-first century in line with what obtains in Western
climes. A functional Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and interactive institutional
repository should be the final product of every automation and digitization project in
libraries. This does not appear to be the case in Nigerian libraries. Unreliable software,
erratic power supply, low Internet bandwidth, lack of experienced personnel, systems
failure, poor administrative support, inadequate staff training, and poor technical
infrastructure are just some of the challenges that Nigerian libraries face in achieving a full
and successful automation and digitization process that will aid in the effective and efficient
service delivery. As a result, this paper looks at two open source software that are widely
used in Nigerian libraries for automating library operations and services, as well as
developing institutional repositories and propose a practical and cost-effective strategy
using cloud computing which is the distribution of computing services via the Internet (the
cloud), including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and
intelligence, in order to provide faster innovation, more flexible resources, and economies of
scale.. Recommendations are then made for how Nigerian libraries can take advantage of
cloud computing's benefits to overcome certain persisting hurdles and accomplish a
successful automation and digitalization process for better delivery of library services.